Myth-Busting: The Pill

Hello ladies! How many of you are or have been on the oral contraceptive pill (OCP)? Probably quite a fair number I’d guess. I was also on the pill for a few years of my early twenties before learning more about how the pill really works & how some of the claims don’t make a whole of of sense.

I firmly believe in having the opportunity to make educated choices for oneself. What’s shocking here, is how little healthcare practitioners or family planning centres tell you about the pill if it’s being presented as an option for you. While contraception is the main reason for a lot of women to start the pill, many other young women & teenage girls are commonly prescribed the pill for reasons including acne, painful periods, irregular periods & also conditions like endometriosis & PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

Some claims that i’ve heard over the years that the pill does include:

“It will help to regulate your period.”
“It’ll balance your hormones again.”
“You can ‘skip’ your periods!”
“No more PMS.”
“It won’t affect your fertility".”
“It’s the only way to ‘fix’ PCOS or endo.”

These statements couldn’t be further from the truth! Was is true, though is that the pill is just masking your symptoms!!

WHat does this mean?

To put it simply, the pill provides you with synthetic sex hormones that resemble the hormones our bodies naturally make. With enough hormones from the pill, your body turns off the ovaries & its own production.

“But I did notice a decrease in PMS & my period came back!”.

Yes, PMS symptoms can improve because you are getting a constant dose of hormones at the same time each day from the pill. This stability in hormones without their natural ebb & flow will mean the symptoms you were experiencing previously may be alleviated to a certain extent.

The same goes for the myth that the pill “regulates” your period. Again, the pill delivers a constant amount of synthetic hormones until you reach the row of sugar pills. The sudden deficit causes a withdrawal bleed which is not a true period! Chances are, if you already had irregular periods then the pill will only mask your symptoms & not address the underlying cause.

Because these underlying issues, such as hormonal imbalances or an existing condition are not resolved, let alone addressed, oftentimes when women decide to come off the pill, all their previous symptoms come back — & sometimes, with a vengeance.

My role as a naturopath is to help with these scenarios & provide the necessary education to make an informed decision for yourself. No need to fret if this sounds like you! There are many things you can do to support yourself whether you are still on the pill, are thinking about coming off, or are currently experiencing the return of your pre-pill symptoms.

What to do?

The pill depletes many important & essential nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C & E. If you’ve been feeling low in energy levels, mood or even experiencing poor sleep, this could be why. Ensure that you’re consuming adequate amounts & supplement where required under practitioner guidance where necessary. Long-term nutrient deficiencies will affect your body’s metabolic pathways and for some can increase your risk for health complications down the line.

Make sure to support your body’s elimination channels (liver & digestion), especially in the case where hormonal-related issues are present. Optimising the way your body metabolises & eliminates toxins, metabolic waste, hormones, bacteria & dead cells will help to reduce the chances of toxin reabsorption & excess circulating hormones in the system.

Find time to move your body, whatever that means for you! The pill can interfere with your thyroid function meaning, slowed metabolism, fatigue & potential weight gain. Keeping active can help to boost metabolism, mood & energy levels. So whether it’s getting your daily steps in, playing sports, doing pilates or weights at the gym, get sweating!

I cannot emphasise the importance of sleep more. Ensuring that you get adequate & quality sleep is a non-negotiable to allow your body to recover from stress & provide it the time it needs to rest, heal & restore balance. Our bodies are doing the most at night while we sleep to regulate all of our necessary functions, including balancing your hormones.

For those who are still on the OCP, perhaps it’s time to consider a different contraception method if that’s a viable option for you. There are other alternatives out there that may be better suited for you! The non-hormonal options include the copper IUD (not for heavy bleeders!), good old barrier methods, & even the fertility awareness model (FAM). Please do your research and consult a practitioner you trust before making those changes!

And last, but not least — everyone’s body is different. What works for one person may not work for another. That’s why a holistic approach is so beneficial as it looks at all aspects of your wellbeing rather than putting bandaids on the symptoms.

Remember, you know your body best, so listen & trust in your gut instincts when something isn’t feeling right.

If you are ever seeking help with your hormones & feel unsure where to start, book in for a free discovery call to see if Homebody is right to guide you on this journey.


Matcha Matcha Matcha


Naturopathy: 6 principles