My Approach
It all begins with your initial consultation where we really go into detail about your current health, lifestyle, diet, history, medication, environment, as well as exploring any other factors that may be affecting your wellbeing as we discuss your goals & where you want to be.
I love for my clients to be deeply invested & also involved in their own healing.
Health Plan
You will receive a bespoke health plan to get you started on your journey. This includes lifestyle & nutritional recommendations as well as access to high quality practitioner-range supplements or herbs where appropriate.
Book in for routine follow-up appointments to track your progress, review your health plan & troubleshoot! Follow-ups allow for continued access to help & support for all your burning questions.
Our sessions will be
Our initial consults will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness & creating a personalised plan to fit your unique needs, lifestyle & health goals.
As a holistic health practitioner, I look to target the root cause of health conditions & concerns, not just symptomatic relief. Together we will explore the various pieces of the bigger puzzle.
Reaching your wellness goals goes beyond exercise & diet. Depending on what you may need, I will provide guidance & recommendations for other helpful practices such as mindfulness, acupuncture, body work, counselling & more.