ENDOMETRIOSIS: A Naturopathic approach
Endometriosis is a common and often severely painful condition affecting 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. It occurs when the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus grows outside of it, causing inflammation, pain, & other symptoms.
Because endometriosis occurs alongside our cycles, it is commonly thought of or seen as a hormonal condition. While is is most certainly influenced by our hormones, inflammation, immune dysfunction, stress & even gut health also play a very large role this condition. In this post, we will talk about the naturopathic approach when it comes to treating this condition.
Endometriosis Symtpoms Include:
Abdominal bloating
Bleeding between periods
Bowel problems such as diarrhoea & constipation
Nausea & vomiting
Bladder problems such as urgency, frequency, & painful voiding
Low-grade fever
Infertility & recurrent miscarriage
As indicated by the list above, endometriosis is a condition that is not just limited to pain — in fact, endometriosis pain doesn’t necessarily just occur in the pelvic region during your period. For some women it can occur in other places like the rectum, bladder, or even the thoracic region, during intercourse, ovulation, all the time — and for some, even no pain at all!
Due to the variety of symptoms, endometriosis takes notoriously long to diagnose in the conventional health care system up to 10 years.
A NatUropathic Approach
A naturopathic approach to endometriosis involves the whole picture: lifestyle & nutrition, as well as therapeutic doses of specific supplements & herbal medicine. The main goals are to:
Address pain
Reduce inflammation
Promote healthy oestrogen metabolism & clearance
Increase & restore progesterone sensitivity
Modulate a healthy immune response
Correct & restore gut microbiome
Lifestyle & Nutrition
When it comes to lifestyle recommendations, it is best to prioritise lowering inflammation as much as possible. This can often look like:
Reducing/eliminating cow’s dairy (A1 casein).
Considering a gluten-free or low FODMAP diet to manage symptoms.
Consider a diet low in histamines if you also experience chronic headaches/migraines.
Focusing on gut-healing foods rich in L-glutamine, good quality protein, more plants & healthy fats.
Cutting down on processed foods & caffeine.
Managing stress & prioritising quality rest.
Prioritising gentle, low impact exercise like walking, swimming, pilates & yoga over high intensity/impact training.
Supplements & Herbs
Taking the right supplements & herbs can be greatly helpful in the process of healing endometriosis. This can really help with lowering inflammation, modulating immune function, gut health & hormones. The beauty of herbs is that each blend is formulated to directly address each person’s needs & requirements on a holistic level. The following are some of the supplements & herbs we like to incorporate:
Turmeric: Or, curcumin — the active constituent is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory & antioxidant that down-regulates pro-inflammatory pathways & can even reduce the size & activity of endometriosis lesions. Turmeric is also wonderful for gut health & can be helpful for modulating the beneficial strains of gut bacteria in the GIT.
Zinc & Selenium: Essential for healthy immune function & for keeping inflammation in check. Zinc is very important for repairing intestinal permeability which in turn modulates immune function (70% of your immune function resides in your gut!). It is also, anti-inflammatory & may even help with pain. Selenium modulates & normalises immune function & is also essential for progesterone production.
N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC): The precursor to glutathione, the body’s primary antioxidant
& immune regulator that is highly anti-inflammatory. This specific nutrient has done extremely well in clinical trials in the reduction of endometrioma cysts & pain.PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) & Magnesium: For pain management. PEA is an endocannabinoid-like mediator that influences both nerve & immune cells to elicit anti-inflammatory & pain relief actions. Magnesium is very calming on the nervous system while also being relaxing on muscles to help aid pain.
There is never a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to healing conditions like endometriosis as each woman experiences it differently across a broad range of symptoms, lifestyles & medical history.
The naturopathic approach takes all of this into consideration to create individualised treatment plans to suit each unique circumstance & ensure the best pathway for you in a safe & monitored way, using evidence-based recommendations.
If this resonated with you at all — know that you are not alone & that we are always here to help.